Sunday, June 12, 2022

Pure Words Baptist Church - Brothers Ryan & Duncan Urbanek

Ryan Urbanek

                                                                Duncan Urbanek

Pure Words Baptist Church
14567 S Main St, 
Houston, TX 77035
(806) 672-8429

The many preachers at Stedfast/Living Words Baptists churches are Ryan and Duncan Urbanek.

It is difficult to find videos of Duncan preaching. However, Ryan's sermon on Pure Words Baptist Church is titled The Great Reset. In this sermon, Ryan believes that The Great Reset is a Biblical prophecy bringing the end to time.

Pure Words Baptist Church is another in the Pastor Jonathan Shelley collection. 

Friday, June 10, 2022

Pure Words Baptist Church Houston, Texas

Brother Dillon Austin Awes
Pure Words Baptist Church, Inc
14567 S Main St.
Houston, TX 77035
(832) 767-4436

Pastor: Brother Dillon Awes (Stedfast employee, preaches in Shelley's absence)
Director: Jonathan Shelley
Director: Keri Shelley
Director: Trey Shelley
Tax ID: 32067909476

Officially, Jonathan Shelley is named as the head pastor; however, it appears the church's day-to-day operations are handled by "Brother" Dillon Austin Awes. 

Brother Dillon made global headlines when he delivered a sermon proclaiming the final solution to the LGTBQAI+ community was death. Awe said that they ("homosexuals") should be "lined up in the street and shot in the back of the head."

In a Christian Nationalist's wet dream sequence, Stedfast Baptist Church, the parent church of Pure Words (Houston), edited parts of Awe's sermon "Why we won't shut up" with clips from Michael Redford's 1984 adaptation of Orwell's 1984.

As global condemnation for Awe's sermon grew, he became more extreme and declared a "Jihad on the infidels persecuting Stedfast Baptist Church."

Stedfast Baptist Church


Pastor Jonathan Shelley

Stedfast Baptist Church

Stedfast Baptist Church
700 West Euless Bedford Road
Suite A
Hurst, Texas 76053
(682) 253-0422


Stedfast Baptist Church
6444 Northwest Expressway #227
Oklahoma City, OK 73123
(682) 253-0466

Lead Pastor/Director: Johnathan Shelley
Director: Kerry Shelley
Director: Ryan Urbanek
Tax Status: 501c3 Non-profit

Facebook: REMOVED

Stedfast Baptist Church is designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an Anti-LGTBQIA+ "Hate" church. 

The church began in Ft. Worth, Texas, and expanded into Oklahoma. The brainchild of "Pastor" Donnie Romero. Romero resigned in January of 2019 Donnie Romero resigned when he admitted to various "sins" including gambling, using marijuana, and hiring prostitutes. That same January, Pastor Johnathan Shelly was ordained (and remains) as the church's new Pastor. Currently Pastor Shelly is completing a series of Homophobic shorts on YouTube titled "The Sodomites Deception."


Recently, in Shelley's zeal to demonize every church (except those his and other Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church), he visited the First Methodist Church in downtown Austin, Texas. 

Pure Words Baptist Church - Brothers Ryan & Duncan Urbanek

Ryan Urbanek                                                                                                                Dun can Urbanek ...